Tuesday, October 10, 2006

At this institute of higher learning I attend there was an interesting conversation. A fellow artist said that he "would rather not make anything at all." This was in regards to making work vs. hiring someone else to make the work.

Call me old fashioned but I was rather horrified by the thought of not making anything myself. It would sort of defeat the purpose of learning any usable art skills at all. If that is the case then why even bother attending such an institute of higher learning in the first place?

If you have never made a good painting, how would you really know what one was? Or do you rely on the skills of the crafters to create what is good? Of course all of the art historians will be crawling on my back, but to me looking at a painting is a kinesthetic experience born of doing.

So I should just hire someone to create the work to earn my degree and claim it is about the experiences of capitalism. Perhaps I can even hire someone to write my thesis as well. Brilliant and why do I even work at all?

This would work well with the colleague educator who feels that we will be soon teaching virtually and no teachers will have to physically be in school. Why suffer from human contact?

My last but not least rant of today, is if you hit an animal on the road, stop your so busy life for a minute and grant it the courtesy of moving it off of the road. This is especially true if it is a pet animal, such as a cat. Take some responsibility, so that when the owner comes home they at least think the person cared enough after they destroyed a beloved pet to move it and give it some dignity.

So to the unmentionable person who swerved purposely to further mutilate the animal when I went to cover the other insensitive (edited for content)'s backside. Thanks alot for the lovely visual that I and the owner now have to suffer because you are a clueless idiot.

Ok, I feel better now.

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