Friday, December 01, 2006

The whole place is full of subjects. By that I mean that things speak all over the place. You have to go and look here and there as you go. It's no good putting down a stroke till something speaks; then get busy. Form is fine, and colour and design and subject matter but that which does not speak to the heart is worthless. It is the intensity of feeling you have about the thing that counts.

-Emily Carr -Hundreds and Thousands

...When I was showing my paintings recently, I noticed how easily my viewers could look at what I was painting and have this incredible sense of my inner workings at the time. It was borderline creepy, how transparent I was to them. As if the paint itself had some kind of reflective capability into my very soul. It has since made me reluctant to paint at all. How can I want the world to know this imperfect soul in all of its idiotic lusts? I will have to be more careful and less willing to paint out my secrets or more brazen and paint them all for the world to see.

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