Sunday, July 08, 2007

1. All right, here are the rules.

2. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.

3. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

4. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight
things and post these rules.

5. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged
and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re
tagged, and to read your blog.

1. Fact: I hate being tall, it implies so much in and of itself and I would rather be less visible. It is also difficult to find clothes to fit since the "ideal" female is a size 1 and has a much smaller body frame. (I am 6ft and a size 11) Men also tend to prefer smaller women.
2. Fact: I can have a sharp tongue and a wicked humor (I generally do not do this in public, but I can be really sarcastic)
3. Habit: I have the habit of spotting and taking notice of all of the living creatures around me wherever I am. (I also can note their present state of being, i.e. observe limps, etc.) (this even applies on a highway)
4. Fact: I hate housekeeping
5. Habit: I tend to repeat a point in conversation 3 times in three different ways
6. Fact: I wanted to be a biologist when I was young, but decided to be an artist so I would have something to write about when I was old.
7. Habit: I frown when I am thinking about something (I am trying to break this bad habit in order to prevent getting wrinkles which really want to show up)
8. Habit: I sometimes daydream and they can become very elaborate stories built upon over time. (A wonderful meeting diversion)

I am not going to send this out to other bloggers, sorry I am breaking the chain meme (bad, bad girl) I am pathetic enough to not really know 8 other bloggers (pitiful I know). So if you read it and you feel inclined, go with it.


Jean said...

Thank you, Corby! you are great.

(somehow, I had you pictured about 5' 4"...but, truth be known, I admire tall people more. More stately, or something.)

Corby said...

Yep, I am very tall, I am not generally stately (too clumsy for that:-) just tall.

You are not so bad yourself :-)

-The overly tall Corby