Monday, August 27, 2007

The camera is working, so the camera store gentleman told me to let it dry out completely and hope for the best. Hopefully it will not just randomly decide to die at some inconvenient time as water logged cameras tend to do.
The lens was not so lucky and had to be sent to get cleaned out. It is of course not covered under warranty and will be a bit expensive.
My dog is indeed going blind and has trouble at night.
My other dog's facial growth is going away of its own accord so that is very good news.
I have been in a funk, but am better today. I expect blogging will become more sparse as my freedom disappears.


Jean said...

poor old dog... I'm sorry dear!

Good luck with your camera and your other canine friend.

Corby said...

She is ok but she tends to trip a bit when it is darker outside. She missed the steps the other day.
I just keep talking to her often. My neighbors must think I am crazy.
The crazy lady who talks to her animals.

Jean said...

No... that is not crazy.
If the neighbors think that, they are the crazy ones!

Corby said...

True, but I do lots of seemingly odd things that may be misconstrued as a touch nutty. Even my little blog is a tad bit off, I begin to wonder... :-)
