Sunday, November 04, 2007

Well behaved women seldom make history.

-Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Have I mentioned in the last 5 seconds how much I love painting. Nothing this week can even compare to the quiet thrill I am getting as I work today. I tell you though bloggers, that I am so glad this week is over and a new one begins. Perhaps we can all start over anew. Death cannot help but change you, no matter how unwilling you are to let it claw its way in. So here I sit painting and trying to make sense of what cannot be understood. I have lost faith in my dreams, they are only painted wishes a heart makes with no prophecy in them. Little lies, but sweet lies indeed, so beautifully marked on the canvas.


Jean said...

I guess we should look at each day as a new start. More often, I look at it as a continuation of disappointment from the day before. Shame on me.

If one of your dreams is continuing your love of painting, then you must still have faith in that. That much is good.

(I love the quote!)

Corby said...

yes, but how quickly things can turn, I should have more faith in my sense of things

-you are kind and I appreciate your comments :-)