Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Untitled 1

Like a ghost will it go?

This kiss of a life

The drying wetness of my lips

As they miss you

A rustle of brown leaves

Giving a still green glint glimmer

Of a once thriving sustenance

When it grew attached

To so great a tree

As separate as seasons

I fall unfixed into air

And dance my brush edge

On all colors of our meaning

Do your roots grow?

Just there under my remaining spine

Will your seed push upwards

And create a merged life

In something new flowering?

Or will it rot there?

Encased in mud and weather

Ever close and ever decaying

Beyond the support of your once mighty frame

That in time will too fall

Piece by piece into my waiting earth.

-By the Corbyhawk herself copyright 2008 steal and bad juju will haunt you all your days not to mention the law itself. scary huh? Good.

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