Sunday, February 24, 2008

I have just been trying to express myself-... I just have to say things you know - Words and I are not good friends at all except with some people-when I am close to them and can feel as well as hear their response-I have to say it someway-Last year I went color mad-but Ive almost hated to think of color since the fall went-Ive been slaving on the violin-trying to make that talk-I wish I could tell you some of the things Ive wanted to say as I felt them...The drawings dont count-it is the life-that really counts-To say things that way may be a relief-....It may be interesting to see how different people react to them...-I am glad they said something to you. -I think so much alone-work alone-am so much alone-but for letters...

I cant tell you how sorry I am that I cant talk to you-what Ive been thinking surprises me so-it has been such fun-at times has hurt too...that would be great to tell you..

You see-I would go in and talk to you if I could-and I hate to be completely outdone by a little thing like distance.

-Georgia O'Keeffe in a letter to Alfred Stieglitz, 1916

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