Monday, February 04, 2008

A young person I know (he is 5) said today that his classmate, let's call her Sarah thinks he is cute. He made this statement while the rest of the class was sitting quietly. He then said "we are going to be in love, but not until we are grown up because love is for grown ups." I had to hide my face to not laugh out loud, since he said it with such purpose. So I asked him later when he came up to me if he liked Sarah, and he said "No, but when I am more grown up I will have a crush on her because that kind of thing is for grown ups."

Now you have to know the two of them, she makes these jokes for him in class and he will laugh out loud with this silly really funny little heh heh heh laugh. It is very sweet.


Jean said...

He has life all figured out, doesn't he? heheh.

Corby said...

He does the little guy. They are so profound it is funny sometimes what they say if you are willing to listen.
