Monday, April 28, 2008

crimson petal


Anonymous said...

The trilliumverate I planted near the root cellar haven't bloomed yet - it's been probably 5 years. I love the plants anyway, but this makes me want more - maybe it's the Tennyson.

dianne said...

Crimson petals,
the colour of blood that falls
like tears from my broken heart
His last words spoken, harsh
and sting like an arrow
as it cruelly pierced my breast.

Corby said...

dw- are they planted too deep? Or just moody little guys unwilling to bloom? Tennyson is classic, but sometimes too long for my taste.

dianne- sad, but your heart will mend in time. What is life without a few arrows?


dianne said...


Yes some days are better and a little easier, then a whole lot of memories come flooding back and once again I am aware that something is missing & the want & need return.