Thursday, April 17, 2008

I will catch you father
you stumble and fall
As your open arms have caught me up
in a thousand hugs

Lean on me
with your shoulder weight
it is your own strength that bears us
one moment more and we reach the doorway

We are given more days
from death's reluctant deck
even now joking
your eyes continue to dance
and the day keeps its steady dawning

-By the Corbyhawk who is lucky to still have such a great and loving father
A long day and I am tired of melancholy. I am tired of it all, the losses lately, bears down and tries to break me. Tired and I want to hide away for a while.


dianne said...

Beautiful thoughts for a Father who is loved, dont let all of this sadness break your spirit Corby you will find the strength, my thoughts are with you both.

Corby said...

Thanks, it could have been way worse but it was scary. A close call...

Hope you are doing good.


dianne said...

Thanks I'm OK, slowly lifting my veil of sadness. Hope your Father will be well again soon, take care of yourself don't let it all overwhelm you.
