Friday, May 30, 2008

He saw that to lose everything at the edge of such a glorious eternity is far sweeter than to won by plodding through a cautious, painless, and featureless life. A true survivor isn't someone with nothing to lose. He has everything precious to lose. But at the same time, he's willing to bet it all on himself. And it makes what he has that much richer. Days stolen are always sweeter than days given.

Laurence Gonzales- Deep Survival


Jean said...

wow...I want to live like that!

Corby said...

I agree!


dianne said...

And stolen moments are somehow very exciting...but moments given are always sweeter...

Corby said...

Ah, but to be a thief, delicious...


dianne said...

Actually as things have come to pass I guess I would be happy with either, something,anything! :)