Monday, May 05, 2008

In my dream it is always May
and we fall together
on the backs of wildflowers
that wave their faces above us
I find your mouth
and move under your body
In my dreams I am flawless
and you know of my desire
matching it
an oriole calls with a clear melody
the day stays at dusk unending
In my dream you are always May
your eyes as I have greeted
you a hundred times
I do not forget
there is no leaving here
In my dream you are mine
for this sweet moment
our lives cross and it is endless
nothing holds you away
a woodpecker drums my pulse
as it races under your lips
there is no winter here
no advancing summer
In my dreams I am always May
keeper of birds, holder of your true heart
eternal giving
the warm earth itself that opens for you
and bears you renewed
In my dream there is no goodbye
look look here
there are no secrets
I have given you every map
but still you do not come forward
In my dream I do not dream alone
there is no reason
there is no chain to keep me from saying it
out to you-to air -to anyone
in my dream you hear me and echo my longing
but the heart will eventually catch up to the head
the naive heart-the lost seeker
that finds the edges of logic
and bumps off bleeding
how cheerlessly the mind demands
the heart to reconsider
how the heart begs the mind
for mercy for more hope
as it sinks
still believing this one will return
even as the day is ending
that bird calls again and leaves at dusk
the heart calls after it
see, see,
he made this poem.

-by the Corbyhawk herself (this one probably could use some edits and it is slightly over the top but what the hell, here it is)


dianne said...

Corby that is so beautiful and your words are so descriptive I can see and feel the dream unfold. :)


Anonymous said...

"the naive heart-the lost seeker
that finds the edges of logic
and bumps off bleeding
how cheerlessly the mind demands
the heart to reconsider
how the heart begs the mind
for mercy for more hope
as it sinks"

You portray that dialectic so well - and in character. The mind (logic) demands, the heart (emotion) begs. I like it. It's horrible that in life the heart is so often wounded by reality - or the edges of logic as you put it. What makes this poem so powerful is the lovely dreamful of images that sweep us away and then that "reality" unfolds. Just like life. I wouldn't change the poem - it's powerful - and not over the top -imho.

Sorry - didn't mean to leave such a long comment, but you unleashed the lit major, who hijacked the keyboard.

dianne said... is beautiful is it not and you described it more eloquently than I could ever hope to. :)

Jean said...

actually, it is beautiful as is.
Deep, strong, passionate.

Corby said...

Glad you all like it :-)
