Saturday, June 07, 2008

I wrote this and then changed it since I realized what I need to do. I am going to cultivate an attitude of fearlessness. So I lose everything so what? I am standing on the edge and looking up at the set of stairs. They are daunting but here I go, one leg at a time. I will get there believe me. I am made of some strong stuff. I did sell some work I donated to an art fund raiser and well I sold every work except one. That I think is good since there were 3,000 pieces there and to sell 6 of my 7 is pretty damn good considering many did not sell at all. It is a good sign, people want my work. Now if I could only sell some of the bigger stuff.


Jean said...
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dianne said...
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Corby said...
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dianne said...
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Corby said...

I plead the fifth on this one..


dianne said...

OK dear Corby I respect your privacy. :)