Monday, June 30, 2008

Time races on and the past begins to blur like a dream you want to go back to and cannot recall exactly. You only remember the feeling of it and roll it around in your mind like a sweet elixir. I want to go dizzy drunk on yesterday but time plods on. Today wraps me up in the confines of its traditional frame, a regular convention to be what is only and what can be sits on the shelf. My solution is always to work again and pick up that brush. Perhaps I can paint a new dream that breaks this drudgery of day to day, with some remembered colors. Maybe I can capture what was to give it more permanence, some substance that lasts longer then that glance. I wonder again if it was indeed real at all and so begin the thought again at the start of this little narrative.

In other news I rescued a robin who had a broken back. She will be gently taken from this world by the wildlife center I gave her to. Perhaps she for a moment would like to go backwards and change course from that oncoming car. The entire sequence of life lines up behind one simple moment if you let it change you. For good or for bad, but it is not ever the same. As I am changed and trying to fit back into some older place.


dianne said...

I like the kind of dreams that make you happy and when you wake you can still feel the warmth and wish you could fall back asleep and continue on - though that never happens. :)

Some moments do change us,if I could go back in time I would make different choices and maybe then I would be more comfortable in my little space.

Poor little robin, that is so sad.:<

Jean said...

Bless you for helping to end the Robin's suffering.

Corby said...

Hi Dianne and Jean,

thanks for your kind words, I do not want to go back into time but I wish I could remember it better.
