Thursday, July 17, 2008

I am rather uninteresting of late. Some brief updates on the Corbyhawk which I am sure you are all just dying to know (ok I get how self-absorbed this entire blog diary thing can be, I mean who really gives a toodle doodle) (remember as well that I am rather uninteresting so use your discretion on reading any more of this drivel). I have a BIG event coming up next week so blogging may be interrupted since I may actually acquire a life, yes I know dream on... but I do, pathetic really. I am looking forward to it and am determined to have fun. I am a shark in the water, my lap swim is going well, 3 times a week 40 minutes of laps. I am fighting the good fight and look younger then I have looked in years. Shaved off down to at least 22 years old, give me a month and I will be back in diapers. I generally nit pick my paintings to death and returned to a painting I left a long tine ago. With some tweaking it is so much better then it was and ever so tempting to paint the background again. I am being good since I will be taking it to said BIG event and it needs to be dry. I sat down and just so effortlessly fixed everything I hated about the painting that I had struggled with before. Give me a year and I am going to be a shark with a brush also. I work like a crazy nut people, I paint all the time and can't imagine doing anything else. Off I go to be rather uninteresting somewhere else.


dianne said...

I think you and your life sound very interesting Corby girl. The swimming is certainly beneficial and seems to be paying off by stripping away the years;you must feel so much better.
I'm glad that you were able to effortlessly fix that painting and I sure hope it does well in the BIG event.
I love visiting your Blog, so many photos to enjoy and your beautiful poetry & prose. :) xoxox

Corby said...


Thanks! You are very kind :-)
