Saturday, August 02, 2008

I am in the midst of cleaning up my studio. This is a big project because I was so busy for so long that I mostly would set things in piles until eventually there was no room left. I built a painting rack and moved them over so I have some more space to paint in. So far it is going well but I think I am quitting for now, writing this, getting some tea, and curling up with my book in bed. I found lots of my old journals so here is two old poems, from winter 2006.

You say you are of words
as well
but I am of eyes
namely of the language
that falls out of yours
reach my hands to catch
I find my fingers over them
and try to decipher
your heart.

He looked at me in the mirrored glass
and I stood
aware unaware shifting
each rebuff
but daring to hope
I could be closer
afraid so I
set up
stuck fast
I long for
the opposite

-By the Corbyhawk
One more bonus poem

lucky she sees you
in everyday
while I catch moments
she has had everything
and I only hours
when you fall to earth
she will mourn you
and I will wait
until we live again

-By the Corbyhawk


dianne said...

Beautiful words Corby, just words but your arrangement of them says so many things to me. :)

Corby said...


Thanks I am glad you like them and they have meaning for you as well. Really what else can I ask for as an artist then to have the audience gain meaning from my work.
