Friday, August 08, 2008

I wanted to go to a show opening tonight, they have all these events in town and I had some hopes for there. However, I have a bad case of poison ivy and some is on my chin and it is not pretty. So here I am at home hiding my face away sleepy from the medicine the Dr. gave me for it. (yes it is bad enough for a Dr.'s visit.) Nothing but fun times lately, no swimming either for that matter, argh.

In case you are feeling badly for me, watch a somewhat cheesy home video about where I will be going so very soon and hopefully get better pictures from, here
(yes I am a lucky stinker!)


dianne said...

Oh you poor girl :< , I guess it is itchy and very uncomfortable, I hope the medicine takes effect quickly.
Ah Alaska! That sounds great, plenty of photo opportunities there but dont get too close to those polar bears Ok! :)

Corby said...

The ivy is getting better (modern medicine to be praised!), thanks it is uncomfortable and I am allergic so I get it endlessly. Yes, photo ops, but no polar bears not far enough north for that sadly...
