Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today was a good day, I got to be an artist for the entire glorious day! The weather was perfect, clear blue sky sunny without a trace of humidity. I spent the day painting walls for my next show and learning spanish swear words from my bilingual friends. I brought a bunch of things to show, since I wasn't sure what exactly would work in the space. So I had a few paintings in my car when I was on my way to pick up some prints I had left at another show. So I go in and as I am about to leave the gallery owner gives me a sheet for a call for work. Well I just happened to have the perfect painting in my car. So I tell her, bring it in and bammo!I am in another show! It will not be up for a while but still, how cool is that? Ah what a day and now I can swear in Spanish (if I could only remember what it was...)


dianne said...

That is great news Corby. :) xoxoxo

Corby said...

Thanks, it was a great day all in all.
