Friday, September 19, 2008

What is getting older but realizing the scope of time as it passes. The intensity of trying to hold on tight to what you value above measure yet knowing the soft melancholy of letting it go. I thought about this today as I swam my laps. If I had a magic fairy dust maybe I would pour it over me to make me beautiful and erase all those little signs of wear. Or perhaps I should make it more useful, give it someone in need of better health or use it to take away my longing. My problem is pride, it makes me not want to ever look bad or as if I am doing something wrong. It drives me to relentless perfectionism and keeps me from acting on my desires, since I am afraid ever afraid. Like the mouse mouse I can be. An older mouse mouse... a melancholy mouse mouse


dianne said...

Dont be afraid little mouse, its nice to think of magic fairy dust, I think we have all probably thought of the possibilities open to us if we had the power of magic or to change things; I know I have.
I dont have any answers for you here but try not to be so hard on yourself, that relentless pursuit of perfection is not good for you, just do and be the very best you can be; I think you judge yourself too harshly. :) xoxox

Corby said...

I am always my own worst critic it seems to push me on.
