Saturday, November 22, 2008

This will be convoluted since it is raw...

Afterimage stop, to close my eyes
I feel memory etched on lids
light pictures exposure
burned the heat of you next to me
the smell of fire, to lean in
lean over, my body overtakes me
my mind tries to offer control.
I stand utterly still
as if a single movement
will cause you to take flight.
The light marks you in
an impression on steel
the rest of the day is lonely
incomplete lost,
with no following footprints
to get me back to you.
An electrical chemical reaction
turn on pre-frontal cortex
and I want you with my entire body
ephemeral I cannot catch it,
the words fill circles around it
a relation of opposites.
The road goes forward
and appears to draw me closer
but the perspective
keeps you ever ahead of me
a divide between scale
and meaning.
What if I had fallen backwards?
to demonstrate an accurate relationship
between our present objects
a proportional way of
determining what we see in
each flattened meaning
is it near to a touch?
A surprise a sudden connection
a circuit fires on,
the making of opposites
deepening source of attraction
that even now I grieve for.
Tremendous immediacy
I cannot recreate how a finger fall
translates all of my longing
sensate to the limitations
of our culture.
There are boundaries I want to cross
to see the world truly
through your eye
and to touch you utterly free.

-By the Corbyhawk, I wanted to dig my nails into my palms to keep from thinking about my overwhelming,unbearable physical attraction to him and how can he even know? Lonely that is what it is, lonely...


dianne said...

Oh Corby my dear, so much unbearable physical attraction and sexual tension there but its climax seems to be always just out of your reach.
It needs to be satisfied and completed there with such immediacy both through touch and the meeting of minds but you feel you dare not say anything for if you do, he will take flight and you wont have him in your aspect at all.
I really feel for you my dear. ♥

Corby said...

This may sound like an odd contradiction but I am ok with it. I find his presence exhilarating irregardless of a conclusion. It has been worth the bittersweet nature of it and the sadness that sometimes comes along. He is like a glorious dream, lovely and perfect.


dianne said...

Well my dear I am happy to hear that, there is some consolation in being in his presence then as you do get to see him...I would say far better than not seeing him at all. ♥