Saturday, February 14, 2009

Steal me away
get closer
I can sense your eyes on me
we circle in a swan dance
I turn to you always
reach over a feather graze
dream of painting your wings
your perfect eyes
the circle of us spins on
among my colored dreams
Please steal me

-By the Corbyhawk


dianne said...

So lovely, I wish someone would steal me away and get closer. ♥

Happy Belated Valentines Day Corby, I hope yours wasn't as lonely as mine.
I was hopeful all day, right up until midnight...
but hope floats and is gone...♥

Jean said...

They are as cautious as you are, perhaps also because of previous pain. Keep doing the dance and show them the painting.

Corby said...

I am far too cautious as a rule so people generally have no clue what is going on with me. Although there are times I have to hold myself back from making a great big display and scaring such a delicate bird away.
