Friday, March 20, 2009

You have been worrying too much about what other people need and not enough about your own desires. As from today you need to turn that on its head and worry only about what is best for you personally. Is that selfish? Maybe, but so what?

My birthday horoscope for today from the New York Times

That about sums it up but generally my birthday sucked
I don't harbor any big hopes for this year. I am kind of done with hope, it leads only to heart crushing disappointment time and time again.


dianne said...

Oh Corby dear I am truly sorry that your birthday sucked, they are supposed to be a happy day of celebration, but no. ♡

I hate birthdays which I think I mentioned in one of my posts, just another miserable reminder of how my life has not turned out the way I would like.

Still alone and I'm not whining about that as some would say and tell me to get on with my life...its not easy to find someone who is special or someone I could love again...I'm sure you feel the same way about that too. ♡

Once your heart has been touched by a soul mate its not easy to start over we just get on alone and try to make the best of what we do have. ♡

Take care Corby girl, I am always wishing good things for you. ♡

Jean said...

Belated birthday wishes for you, sweet friend!
Our special days are not far apart :-)

Have faith in yourself and take care of yourself.

Corby said...

Thanks :-)


Anonymous said...

Oh! Belated birthday wishes from me too! I, too, hate birthdays. Two years ago I had to put down my 16 year old beloved dog. I've been forlorn in so many ways ever since and don't expect much from birthdays. On my thirtieth, the person I was dating broke up with me (it was doomed anyway, but wait a day or two - geez!)

Okay - enough. Things do get better, and I'm trying to look at absences as spaces for more life, more opportunities for connection. hat and trying to live in the moment more. Here's to you, Corby, and the present (what's a birthday without that?)

Corby said...


Well then I certainly have lots of space then, lots and lots of space.

The present kind of sucks, honestly dw and I am not one to whine. I am just tired of losing what I love best. I also would just love a strong shoulder to cry on and someone to pat my back and tell me,"hey beautiful it will be alright soon." Oh well a nice thought anyway.
