Friday, April 24, 2009

It was good that I had a quiet day because the week went to proverbial hell. Crap then crap and then hey just when you thought you could get through ok, major crap. I am beaten, lacking self-esteem and just plain worn out. Some people have alot of sad things happening... how I wish I could just sit at your feet for a while and listen to you tell me the stories of your life. To hear the soft lilt of his voice and the warmth of his words would be wonderful... exile... foreigner... dancer... singer... storyteller...translator...painter... writer... do we have the energy for one more solid go around before we exit this floor? I do, as ever I do.


dianne said...

I'm sorry your week has plummeted into the negative again...sounds to me as if you need a rest, often that will refresh you and give you a whole new happier perspective on life.
We all see things in a crappy way when we are plain worn out from trying to do too many things...give yourself a break dear girl. ♡

Corby said...

I wish I had some time for a real break but not to be, too much to do.
