Friday, April 10, 2009

Life is a nightmare lately, so many things just creeping up on me. I do not ever have the luxury of ignoring them, out they come these beasts. No break for you and yes I am angry about it. You try to be kind and people bite off your hands. Ok, then let's dance because my anger motivates me to do my very best and I will do what I need to do in this life. I will work harder then you and play smarter and take what is due me. This woman who pretends to be my friend will not get in the way of my dreams. Step out of my light. I have battled worse demons and she thinks she will take away a job I have always dreamed of. NO WAY.


dianne said...

Hang in there Corby dear life is very hard and you seem to get more than your share of things to cope with.
I dislike those who pretend to be our friends, undermining us all of the time.
Be strong, dont let this woman step into your light and try to take away your dreams; dance the dance of life and leave her in the shadows. ♥

Corby said...

It will work out I think, I hope.
