Friday, September 25, 2009

fall sumac


dianne said...

'Terminal Days at Beverly Farm'

Father and mother moved to Beverly Farms
to be a two-minute walk from the station,
half an hour by train from the Boston doctors.
They had no sea-view,
but sky-blue tracks of the commuters' railroad shone
like a double-barreled shotgun
through the scarlet late August sumac,
multiplying like cancer
at their garden's border.

Robert Lowell

It looks similar to a plant we have here, the colours are beautiful but ours is poisonous...are the seeds of this one non-toxic as I have read that they are ground as a spice for cooking? ♥

Corby said...


It may indeed be the same, I am not sure though. Ours is not posionous but it can cause a rash.
