Friday, September 02, 2011

I wonder if it could have been different somehow? Then I sit back and reflect on what I have before me, the distance I have yet to go and I know I do not regret. I am not who I was and gratefully so, I have faced some sour days. I made it, here I am! All I thought I needed, I lost and thinking I could not recover, I managed to. Do I still love there, in that place, yes and always. I look and see what is real, not what I imagine to be. Perhaps he hates me and will never return to me, but all that I learned I carry. All that he taught me, I carry in love. That is all, no need for melancholy, or desire, or lack of peace. Only the beauty of the gifts I was given and how they carry me still. Even he, cannot take that peace away.

1 comment:

dianne said...

Beautiful words of reflection dear Corby with the wisdom of perspective.
Take care.
xoxoxo ♡