Saturday, June 02, 2007

There is something I should attend tonight, a big art party but I can't seem to gather up the energy. I am determined to not be sad, there are just too many things I want to do with my life to mope. It is not productive, but I find myself edging around it tonight. I almost applied to this show/art party thing and I am glad I did not. I have been very busy with work. I worked for a good part of the day and the weather has been gorgeous. I have a case of the why bothers? Oh well life is life, who cares anyway. People are going to be on your path or they are not. There is no use is trying to make it otherwise. I know better and the thought of it rather depresses me. Oh well, why bother, life is life. So I will stay home and go to bed early and go do bird research tomorrow early where they can hold them in hand. I am afraid I am rather blah, so go look here for a cool blog.

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