Sunday, July 15, 2007

There is always a little let-down after a show. It was a good mix and the work looked nice. It is still up, hanging, waiting for the right viewer to find it. That is hope right? That a certain person will find it and your communication will vibrate in them, sending them some impression of why the work was created. Maybe it will stay with them like a melody that repeats over and over, causing them to look differently at the world, maybe for a moment. Then are you less alone as the creator, your vision is picked up and lives on. Ah, hope when I am feeling rather low tonight.


Jean said...

Don't see why that couldn't happen.

What kind of painting is it?

Corby said...

It is an oil painting of a heron, not overly conceptual or anything, but a nice painting. It is one of my favorites I have done by sheer technique alone.
